We offer flexible pricing structures to match your needs.
Group discounts may available depending on location and number of animals.
As previously discussed, when meeting an animal for the first time, two visits are generally required.
For Horses and large animals the first call is £55 with the follow up charged at £45.
For Dogs and small animals the first call is £45 with the follow up charged at £35.
If an animal requires continued additional treatment after the initial consultation and follow up, then the continued treatment will be charged at the follow up rate.
Subsequent visits will be charged at the first call rate.
Nikki is very happy to travel to treat your animals. However an additional charge is made after the first initial 40 miles. This will vary depending on the distance but also the time taken for the additional travel.
If you are able to get a group of people together then the mileage rates may be shared between you, depending on how far away you are.
Please email Nikki to enquire further.
Get in touch by calling Nikki Alexander on 07788 723205.